top of the morning

After waking up this morning, I had my mom take my blood pressure as per usual. And then I went down from my bedroom upstairs to the family room downstairs.

After putting my eyeglasses on, I walked outside with mom. I walked nearly one long street today, as I had for more than two months now.

After my morning walk, mom and I made breakfast for all of us. She cooked the Quaker Oats and I put all of the cereals, which are the Kellogg’s Müeslix Raisin & Almond Crunch plus the Nestlé Milo whole grain.

And that was my morning of 18 November 2017. After everything, I took a long hot bath and then went upstairs to put my moisturizer, lotion and other toiletries on.

After lunch, I played Manos by The Spinanes, I Got Life and Many Others by Nina Simone, and Little Fictions by Elbow. At 05:48 p.m., I played Burst Apart by The Antlers.

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